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A ‘craze’ has recently spread around the usual online channels due to many celebrities having recently been photographed sporting the look, which many females are loving on both sides of the pond in the US and UK.
Main criteria for the new viral trend is a thin waist, streamlined legs with thigh gap, and a large buttocks.
One of the reasons why this look is known as the ‘wisdom tooth’ is because all factors combined give the appearance of a wisdom tooth – tapered in at the tops of the leg (thighs) and a bulges out at the sides.
Celebrities and Instagram stars are showcasing their photographs of the new look, enhanced by multiple cosmetic procedures.
In addition to the above, some women are also going one step further and undergoing breast augmentation and breast uplift
However, despite the body transformation, many are not admitting to surgery, instead only coming clean about minor procedures such as botox and fillers.
Whilst a healthy lifestyle can contribute to a more desired figure, many members of the general public are not convinced surgery has not been involved.
For example, to increase the chances of a thigh gap without significant weight loss, liposuction or vaser liposuction is a potential cosmetic procedure that can suck out unwanted fat and sculpt the top area of the legs. Thus creating a thigh gap – where the tops of the legs do not touch.
In addition to this, Vaser can also be used on the flanks with possible butt-lift to enhance the backside. Buttlifts are popular at the moment due to photographs showcasing what can be achieved with either fat transfer or implant buttlift (also known as gluteoplasty).
Fat can be taken from other areas of the body and injected into a woman’s bum region.
Fat that is unwanted usually comes from the stomach or thighs and used elsewhere.
One of the reasons why fat transfer is a preferred method of enhancement is because it is the individuals own tissue that is used – so the body has less chance of rejecting it as a foreign object or causing complications from scar tissue.
In addition, it also provides better results in some circumstances with a more natural and soft result.
However, when performing fat transfer buttlift surgery, it is absolutely imperative that the surgeon performing the procedure has the skills and experience of doing so due to the complexity of the operation.
Following a ‘Wisdom Tooth’ cosmetic surgery procedure, results can be visible from eight to twelve weeks.
For more information on any of the available cosmetic procedures at The Manchester Private Hospital, contact a friendly member of our staff at a convenient time for you.
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Manchester Private Hospital New Court, Regents Place, Windsor
Street Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 4HB.