My Clinical Outcomes is an online system that helps monitor patients’ quality of life over time.
Completing assessments tailored to your condition and treatment helps provide new and important information to your medical team about how you are in between appointments and how you are progressing over time.
After first registering you will be prompted by email or text message to update assessments at intervals before and after treatment. Results will be made available to your medical team and you will be able to monitor your own progress by logging in to your personal dashboard at any time.
Results are also analysed and monitored by Manchester Private Hospital to ensure the overall quality of care provided to all patients.
Registering will allow you to update future assessments and log in to review your results over time.
Once registration is complete, you will be prompted to complete your first online assessment.
You will receive a reminder email or text message when your next assessment becomes due. Prompts are timed to allow you to provide upto-
date information about your progress to your clinical team.
You will be able to log in at any time to view your progress as well as to complete further assessments. You can discuss with your clinical team if you have any concerns prompted by the recorded data.
Find out more about how PHIN use PROMs here
Find out more about the company that run the MCO platform here
GMC Registered Surgeons
6700+ Happy Patients
Flexible Finance Options
CQC Registered Private Hospital
Please contact Manchester Private Hospital or your clinical team directly.
The questions have been created through a research process. As they are standardised, some may be more or less relevant to you personally. Please do answer every question to the best of your ability – there is no right or wrong answer. Please discuss any concerns with your medical team during your next appointment.
You can easily reset your password at any time by clicking the ‘Forgotten password?’ link on the login page.
Your personal data will be stored securely and will only be shared with the clinical staff who are involved in your treatment and care. Please remember to keep your password safe and do not share it with others. You do not have to participate in this programme and your care is not dependent on your participation. You can choose to opt out at any time.
If you have any queries regarding the use of the website itself, My Clinical Outcomes, please contact [email protected]