Complaints And Feedback

Quality Patient Care

We always like to know our patients are comfortable and well cared for. If you feel your hospital visit was a particularly positive experience, we would be delighted to hear from you. However, if you are unhappy with our facilities or service we want to know about it as soon as possible. We will then investigate the situation so that we can explain, apologise and take positive action where necessary.

How to Complain

Stage 1: Local Resolution

  • All patients who wish to complain formally will be advised preferably to write to the Hospital Director at Manchester Private Hospital, detailing:

Patient’s Name


Date of Birth:

Manchester Private Hospital
New Court, Regents Place
Windsor Street
Greater Manchester
M5 4HB

Complaints by email should be sent to

[email protected]


Patient’s Name,


Date of Birth

For reasons of data protection and patient confidentiality we will only acknowledge receipt of the complaint by email, response/s will be sent in writing by post, therefore the patient’s address will be required. We may also require further information for verification purposes.

  • Complaints from an authorised representative can only be accepted with the written consent of the patient concerned.
  • A written acknowledgement will be sent within 2 working days (unless a full reply can be sent within 5 working days).
  • We will undertake an immediate investigation into the comments provided, and once all relevant medical records and reports have been compiled the Hospital Director will carry out a review. It may also be necessary to take advice from other Clinical Specialists within The Manchester Private Hospital.
  • On completion of the investigation review, the complainant will receive a formal written response within 20 working days of receipt of the complaint, please note this timescale does not include Weekends or Bank Holiday. This correspondence will contain a full written account of the outcome of the inverstiagtion, an apology for any deficiencies, and an explanation of any remedial action taken.
  • On the occasion that a written response cannot be provided within this timescale, we will inform the complainant of the status of the complaint at a minimum of 20 working day intervals and aim to reach a timely conclusion.
  • A complaint should be made as soon as possible in relation to the event, or as soon as the matter first came to the attention of the complainant.
  • Patients seeking to clarify comments made in the formal response should write as soon as possible after the response at Stage 1 and a further response will be provided within 20 working days.

Stage 2 – Internal Appeal

  • If, following receipt of the final response from the Hospital, a patient wishes to seek a review of Stage 1; they should write to the Stage 2 recipient at the same address.

Niraj Manglam
Manchester Private Hospital
New Court, Regents Place
Windsor Street
Greater Manchester
M5 4HB

  • This request should be made within 6 months of the final written response, stating the reason why they are not satisfied with the Stage 1 handling of the complaint.
  • A written acknowledgement will be sent within 2 working days (unless a full reply can be sent within five working days).
  • Niraj Manglam will undertake an immediate review into the outcome provided at Stage 1 by the Hospital.
  • Niraj Manglam will respond, following review, within 20 working days of receiving the letter, to confirm the decisions and actions taken by the Hospital or to offer an alternate resolution.
  • Where the investigation is still in progress, and a decision has not been made, Niraj Manglam will send a letter explaining the reason for the delay to the complainant, at a minimum every 20 working days.
  • In the event that Niraj Manglam confirms the decision of the Hospital, the patient has the right to take the matter to Independent External Adjudication (Stage 3).

Stage 3 – Independent External Adjudication:

  • The Manchester Private Hospital is a subscriber of the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS). We need membership if a patient remains dissatisfied with the resolution of their complaint, they may choose to escalate this to external adjudication through ISCAS.
  • This request must be made within 6 months of the stage 2 decision letter.
  • Should a patient wish to write to ISCAS they can do so at the below address:

ISCAS, c/o CEDR – Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution International Dispute Resolution Centre
70 Fleet Street

Tel.0207 536 6091

Email:[email protected]

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