Vaser Liposuction Manchester

I had the best experience with Manchester Private Hospital. Every member of staff I came into contact with were amazing! My results surpassed any expectations I had.

Louise, Vaser Liposuction Patient (31st May 2022)

Vaser liposuction, also known as VASERlipo, is a modern liposuction procedure using ultrasound technology to break down fat cells in the body with minimum damage to surrounding cells and tissue.

Surgery Time 90 Minutes

Results Seen 2-3 Months

Back To Work 2-5 Days

Pain Level Moderate

Hospital Stay Day Case

Cost From £3500*

GMC Registered Surgeons

6700+ Happy Patients

Flexible Finance Options

CQC Registered Private Hospital


Medically reviewed by Mr Shivram Singh MBBS, FRCSI, FRCS (Plast), Medical Director & Lead,

Medical Advisory Committee for Manchester Private Hospital

Last Reviewed January 18th 2023

What Is Vaser Liposuction?

vaser liposuction procedure

Vaser liposuction, also known as VASERlipo, is a modern liposuction procedure using ultrasound technology to break down fat cells in the body with minimum damage to surrounding cells and tissue.

Body fat is melted and removed through a thin tube, using Vaser liposuction techniques to make it easier to remove the fat – especially in dense body parts or areas with large volumes of stubborn fat.

The ultrasound waves emitted by the probe break apart fat cells on contact.

The liquefied fat is then sucked out with a cannula through tiny incisions.

Incisions made on the body are very small, usually around 3mm, which eliminates the need for stitches.

Vaser is commonly used and effective on almost every body part including; ankles, calf muscles, knees, arms (bingo wings), armpits, neck, chin (double chin), thighs (saddle bags), bum, male chest (man boobs), upper back, flanks (aka love handles) and abdomen.

Why Choose Vaser Liposuction?


Vaser Liposuction is a minimally invasive method of removing fat that can be more efficient than traditional liposuction. It is also more selective in the cells it targets whilst leaving surrounding areas untouched.

Fat cells that are removed using this method can also be harvested for fat transfer to other parts of the body.

People are choosing Vaserlipo to get the body shape they’ve always wanted.

It is a precise method used to target specific fatty areas that are particularly stubborn.

Being minimally invasive, Vaserlipo cuts down recovery time and produces results that are visible instantly after undergoing the procedure.

Vaser liposuction is one of the most popular forms of lipo in Manchester and throughout the rest of the UK.

One of the reasons why it has grown in popularity is that it is great for targeting areas of fat that people struggle to get rid of, particularly love handles and bingo wings.

Other reasons more people are choosing Vaserlipo over traditional lipo include:

Faster recovery

The recovery time for this procedure is very quick. Much quicker than traditional methods. Due to the advanced technology and methods used, patients do not require much time off work and are usually back at work within 2 to 3 days.

Less damage to cells

Blood vessels, nerves and tissue are all damaged during the process of traditional liposuction. However, with Vaserlipo, the precise and gentle waves from the probe leave much less of these unharmed in the surrounding area.

Minimally invasive

The method of removing fat does so with minimum impact on your body. Although incisions are required to suck out the fat, stitches are not required because they are so small.

High quantity targeting

Not only can Vaser target multiple areas, it can target very large sections of the body and remove large quantities of fat cells in a single session.

Arrange a consultation in Manchester with one of our experts to discuss your needs and requirements. We are able to provide professional, no obligation advice on the best treatment for you and your body type.

Vaser Liposuction Procedure

Vaser Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that involves sound energy to liquefy fat in the targeted area to eliminate the need for traditional surgery to remove it. The sound energy is transmitted through one or several small probes via small incisions into the skin. The liquefied fat is removed from the body through a suction tube.

A Vaser liposuction procedure is typically performed under local anaesthesia. However, when larger areas are targeted, a doctor may opt for general anaesthesia.

What Areas Of The Body Vaser Liposuction Can Treat?

From the choice of anaesthesia and the recovery time to the cost, there are several factors in a Vaser liposuction procedure that depend upon the area being treated.

The advanced fat-removal procedure can target a wide range of body areas, including:

  • Stomach
  •  Waistline
  •  Arms
  •  Upper Back
  •  Chest
  •  Chin & Neck
  •  Hips & Thighs
  •  Buttocks

Vaser Liposuction Recovery

While the healing process may differ for everyone depending on how their body responds to the procedure and how quickly it recovers, Vaser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure, so there’s minimal downtime. Patients often begin to feel normal again in as little as two to three days. However, doctors recommend avoiding strenuous activities and taking plenty of rest for about five to seven days on average.

Fluid weeping from the incisions will occur during the first 24 to 48 hours. You may also experience some pain, tenderness, and/or bruising on the targeted area for the initial few days. Doctors usually prescribe painkillers to help with them. For swelling, your doctor may suggest wearing a compression garment for a few weeks. You will also be told to increase fluid intake to help your body recover quickly.

The healing process for Vaser lipo isn’t long, and you can resume your everyday activities shortly. However, it may take a few months for the results of the surgery to become fully evident.

Complications & Side Effects

Although Vaser liposuction is extremely safe, there are some potential complications of undergoing this procedure. These include:

  • Bruising following treatment that can last for up to 2 weeks.
  • Pain, which can be controlled with pain-killers.
  • Infection is very rare, but should this occur, can be treated with anti-biotics.
  • Scars may be visible from the small incisions that are made during treatment, which will fade as they heal over time.
  • Burning is very rare but the ultrasonic energy from the probe can cause a burn around the incision.
  • Skin discolouration around treatment area, but very rare.
  • Bleeding is possible due to the incisions required for sucking out the fat. Medical pads will be provided.

Advantages Of Vaser Liposuction

If you have tried to lose weight in the past, or shift fat from a certain area, you may know how difficult it can be given the time needed to diet and train, while trying to work and live your life.

That is why people choose Vaser liposuction treatments.

Vaser gives people the chance to spot-reduce fat from their body, something that cannot be achieved easily with exercise or diet.

Stubborn fat areas are common on every human, so a chance to eliminate this is appealing, and very possible with Vaser.

At Manchester Private Hospital, we have the knowledge and experience in carrying out Vaserlipo treatments that can transform your body. Many people from all over Manchester and surrounding areas are opting for Vaser, including those situated in Liverpool, Sheffield, Bolton, Leeds, Salford, Oldham and Stockport.

Arranging a free consultation with one of our experts is just the first step in to getting the body you have always dreamed of and eliminating those stubborn fatty areas for good.

  • The core advantages of Vaser is that there is no need to stay overnight in hospital.
  • There is less trauma to your body, meaning less bruising and less visible scars.
  • The risk of bleeding is minimal and less discomfort during and after treatments.
  • No general anaesthic is required.
  • All treatments are minimally invasive.
  • In most cases, patients walk in for their treatment and walk out the same day following Vaser procedures.

It is also worth noting that the technique for Vaser can stimulate collagen production in the body, giving you tighter skin around the treated area.


Vaser liposuction gives instant results following treatment in most cases and results continue to be noticeable in the days that follow. That is why more people in Manchester and nationwide are choosing this high-tech modern fat buster method.

One of the reasons why results are noticeable straight away is the fact that the treatment is minimally invasive and does not affect surrounding tissue or cells. So there is no waiting for areas to heal to see the true effect of your treatment.

Precise targeting of fat cells allows the patient to focus on their chosen area for fat removal then compare the results pre and post surgery.

Not only are the results visible, but patients also feel the effects of the treatment in the hours and days that follow.

You should expect to see the full and true reflection of Vaser treatments within 2-3 weeks.

Vaser liposuction is sometimes combined with other treatments such as Vaser Hi-Def depending on your goals. This is an advanced body sculpting technique that can enhance muscle definition and works well in conjunction with Vaser lipo fat removal.

For more information about our Vaser high definition treatment, see our dedicated Hi-Def page on our website.

Vaser is also used to tackle cellulite problems. Many women in the North West are not necessarily looking to get rid of huge chunks of fat, but to smooth their bums and legs with cellulite treatments.

Being a non-invasive procedure, Vaser opens up doors to new possibilities to tackling problem cellulite that is common in women of any age and any size.

vaser liposuction patient result-3   vaser liposuction patient result-2

Body Sculpting

One of the points to note about Vaser liposuction and whether it will be right for you though is if you are already near your desired target weight.

Vaser lipo is not classed as a weight loss solution and patients who are obese will not be suitable. It is more of a procedure to remove fat while sculpting parts of the body.

Although fat distribution throughout the body is down to genetics, some patients have more problem areas than others, such as the upper legs and belly. Whereas others may find them areas are fine, but struggle with their outer edges such as flanks, also known as love handles.

Why Us For Vaser Liposuction?

The professional staff at Manchester Private Hospital have been performing Vaser liposuction on patients for many years.

We are a reputable name in the industry and our consultants are able to provide expert advice that is tailored to your exact needs and body shape.

Our primary focus is always patients’ safety and we always have patients interests are heart.

Some of the reasons why people in the North West are choosing us for Vaser treatments include:

  • Free consultation for all patients with advice and discussion on a plan that suits you and your goals.
  • Specialist aftercare to ensure you always have peace of mind.
  • No limit appointments post-treatment, meaning you can contact us any time to receive friendly and professional advice.
  • Comprehensive information and advice that is not ‘off the shelf’, but tailored to you on a personal level.
  • Competitive pricing, making it more affordable to achieve your fat-removal goals and desired body shape.
  • Putting patients first and at ease ensures high levels of customer satisfaction – that you can read for yourself from real patients who have undergone treatment.

Book Your Vaser Liposuction Manchester Consultation

Get the dream body you’ve always wanted with Vaserlipo – the most technologically advanced, minimally invasive body sculpting procedure in 2023. Contour your body and get true definition within hours of treatment, with no overnight hospital stay required.

Call our friendly team today at 0161 507 8822 to talk about Vaser liposuction cost in the UK, discuss your questions and ideas with our experienced staff, and book a consultation.

Alternatively, complete our online contact form to inquire about Vaser liposuction prices in the UK and request a consultation at a convenient time, and we will call you back. Please mention Vaser lipo when booking.


1. “Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL) (VASER Lipo)” American Society of Plastic Surgeons, (Accessed on 18th January 2023 at 9:30 AM GMT)

2. “Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (VASER Lipo)” American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, (Accessed on 18th January 2023 at 9:30 AM GMT)

3. “Vaser Liposuction: How It Works, Benefits, Risks, and More” Healthline, (Accessed on 18th January 2023 at 9:30 AM GMT)

4. “Vaser Liposuction: Before and After, Cost, Recovery, and More” Medical News Today, (Accessed on 18th January 2023 at 9:30 AM GMT)

5. “Vaser Liposuction: Benefits, Risks, and More” WebMD, (Accessed on 18th January 2023 at 9:30 AM GMT)

6. Ultrasonic technology may advance liposuction results,

7. “Advancing The Art Of Liposuction” (Accessed on 18th January 2023 at 9:30 AM GMT)

References Used:

1) “Ultrasound-assisted liposuction: a systematic review” by J.S. Fodor, D.S. Grotting, and J.A. Perlman, in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2009.

2) “A randomized, prospective study of ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty with the VASER system” by J.A. Perlman, C.G. Grazer, and J.S. Fodor, in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2005.

3) “VASER liposuction: a review” by S.F. Wolf, C.B. Tebbetts, and M.G. Al-Khaffaf, in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2008.

4) “VASER liposelection: a step-by-step guide” by S.F. Wolf and C.B. Tebbetts, in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2008.

5) “Ultrasound-assisted liposuction with the VASER system: an analysis of 100 consecutive cases” by J.A. Perlman and J.S. Fodor, in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2003.

6) “VASER liposuction: a review of the technology” by S.F. Wolf, C.B. Tebbetts, and M.G. Al-Khaffaf, in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2008.

7) “Ultrasound-assisted liposuction: a review of the literature” by J.S. Fodor, D.S. Grotting, and J.A. Perlman, in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2008.

8) “A randomized, prospective study of ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty with the VASER system” by J.A. Perlman, C.G. Grazer, and J.S. Fodor, in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2003.

10) “VASER liposuction: a review of the technology” by S.F. Wolf, C.B. Tebbetts, and M.G. Al-Khaffaf, in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2008.

11) “VASER liposelection for body contouring: a review” by S.F. Wolf and C.B. Tebbetts, in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2008.

Vaser Liposuction Patient Testimonials

MPH Vaser Liposuction Angels

Frequently Asked Questions

Good candidates for Vaser liposuction are those who are in good overall health, have good skin elasticity, and have areas of unwanted fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.

Vaser liposuction can be used to treat a variety of areas of the body, including the abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, upper arms, back, chest, and neck.

Vaser liposuction is typically less painful than traditional liposuction, but patients may experience some discomfort during and after the procedure. Pain medication can be prescribed to help manage pain.

The length of the Vaser liposuction procedure will depend on the size of the area being treated and the amount of fat being removed. On average, the procedure takes between 1 and 3 hours.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications associated with Vaser liposuction. These include bleeding, infection, scarring, and changes in skin sensation. Your plastic surgeon will be able to discuss these risks with you in more detail.

Vaser liposuction is considered a permanent fat removal procedure. However, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly to prevent the remaining fat cells from expanding.

The cost of Vaser liposuction will vary depending on the size of the area being treated, the amount of fat being removed, and the location of the practice. It is important to consult with a plastic surgeon to get an accurate cost estimate.

In general, insurance will not cover the cost of Vaser liposuction as it is considered a cosmetic procedure.

Vaser liposuction can be used in combination with other procedures such as a tummy tuck or breast reduction to achieve optimal results.

Vaser liposuction can be safe for people with diabetes, but it is important to consult with a plastic surgeon

Vaser liposuction can provide a more sculpted and contoured appearance, remove stubborn pockets of fat, and improve the overall shape of the treated area. It can also result in less bleeding, swelling, and bruising compared to traditional liposuction.

Results from Vaser liposuction will typically be visible within a few weeks of the procedure, but final results may take several months to fully develop.

Vaser liposuction is typically not recommended for individuals under 18 years of age.

Vaser liposuction can improve the appearance of cellulite by removing the underlying fat, but it is not specifically designed to target cellulite.

The results of Vaser liposuction are considered permanent, but it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly to prevent the remaining fat cells from expanding.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the face to remove unwanted fat, but it is important to consult with a plastic surgeon with experience in facial procedures.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the male chest to remove unwanted fat and provide a more sculpted and contoured appearance.

Most patients are able to return to work within a week or two of the procedure, but this will depend on the size of the area treated and the amount of fat removed.

Vaser liposuction can be performed on individuals who have had previous liposuction, but it is important to consult with a plastic surgeon to determine if it is the best option.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the thighs to remove unwanted fat and improve the overall shape of the area.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the buttocks to remove unwanted fat and improve the overall shape of the area.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the ankles to remove unwanted fat and improve the overall shape of the area.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the calves to remove unwanted fat and improve the overall shape of the area.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the upper arms to remove unwanted fat and improve the overall shape of the area. It can also help to contour and tone the upper arms, resulting in a more defined and youthful appearance.

Vaser liposuction typically results in minimal scarring, as the incisions used are small and well-hidden.

Compression garments are typically worn for 2-4 weeks after the procedure to help with swelling and to support the newly contoured areas.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the back to remove unwanted fat and improve the overall shape of the area.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the chest to remove unwanted fat and improve the overall shape of the area.

Vaser liposuction can be used to remove unwanted fat from the inner thighs.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the neck to remove unwanted fat and improve the overall shape of the area.

Most patients are able to return to work and normal activities within a week or two, but strenuous exercise and other activities should be avoided for several weeks.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the knee to remove unwanted fat and improve the overall shape of the area.

Swelling and bruising is typically less with Vaser liposuction compared to traditional liposuction, but it will vary depending on the size of the area treated and the amount of fat removed.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the abdomen to remove unwanted fat and improve the overall shape of the area.

It is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly after Vaser liposuction to maintain the results and prevent the remaining fat cells from expanding.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the hips to remove unwanted fat and improve the overall shape of the area.

The amount of time it takes for the ultrasonic energy to break up the fat cells will depend on the size of the area being treated and the amount of fat being removed.

Most patients experience some discomfort during the recovery period, but pain medication can be prescribed to help manage pain.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the upper arms to remove unwanted fat and improve the overall shape of the area.

Vaser liposuction can leave behind some loose skin, especially in areas that have lost a significant amount of fat. However, good skin elasticity can minimize this risk. If there is a significant amount of loose skin, your plastic surgeon may recommend a skin tightening procedure such as a tummy tuck or a thigh lift.

Vaser liposuction is considered safe for most people, but it is important to consult with a plastic surgeon if you have any underlying health conditions, including heart conditions.

Vaser liposuction can be used to remove unwanted fat from the inner thighs.

Compression garments are typically worn for several weeks after Vaser liposuction surgery to help reduce swelling and support the treated area while it heals. The specific length of time will depend on the individual case and the surgeon’s recommendations. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions and wear the compression garment as directed.

Our Vaser Liposuction or Vaser Lipo, Vaser Hi Def & fat transfer procedures in Manchester are performed at our purpose built CQC registered hospital in Salford, Greater Manchester.

Consultations can be arranged with our liposuction doctor & plastic surgeons at our Salford, Greater Manchester based clinic.

Our clinic in Manchester is located on Windsor street, Salford M5 4HB.

Manchester – Manchester Private Hospital New Court, Regents Place, Windsor Street Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 4HB

Birmingham – 38 Harborne Rd, Birmingham B15 3EB

London – Wyndham Place Clinic, 5 Upper Wimpole St, London W1G 6BP

Liverpool – 54 Rodney St, Liverpool L1 9AD All Vaser liposuction procedures will take place at our purpose built CQC registered hospital in Salford, Greater Manchester.

Manchester Private Hospital’s Doctors and surgeons have performed over 3000 Vaser liposuction surgery to date, more than any other clinic in North West of England. We were one of the first provider to launch Tickle Lipo & J- Plasma Renuvion in the UK.

We strive for quality and exhaustive aftercare package includes:

  • Comprehensive patient information as soon as you make contact with us and during your journey
  • GMC Registered experienced surgeons and doctors
  • Purpose built hospital facilities, easily accessible from motorway with free parking on site
  • Competitively priced, although will not claim to be one of the cheapest providers in UK.
  • With over 5+ years’ experience of positive outcome, you are in safe hands.
  • 24-hour patient care helpline to ensure we are available for you when you need the most
  • Unlimited post-operative *appointments with our clinical team
  • One year cover for all surgical, hospital and nursing care until discharged by your operating doctor and surgeon, in case of any clinical issue
  • Excellent Trustpilot & Google Rating

Our Patients Results From Instagram

Vaser Liposuction Finance Options

Manchester Private Hospital have collaborated with Chrysalis Finance to offer 0% finance for our patients.*

1. 0% Interest Free Finance for Vaser Liposuction (Monthly Payment Plans)

Vaser Liposuction cost: £3500
Deposit amount: £0.00
The amount of loan would be: £3500
Total interest: £0.00
12 monthly instalments of £291.66
The representative APR is 0%
The total amount payable: £3500

2. Vaser Liposuction Finance Option with Interest (APR 9.9%)

Cost of a Vaser liposuction: £3500
Initial deposit: £500
The amount of loan would be: £3000
60 monthly instalments of £63
The representative APR is 9.9%
The total amount payable: £4280

*Acceptance is subject to status. Terms and conditions apply.

All our surgery are tailored to individual patient requirements, and you will receive a fixed price following your consultation with surgeon during your face to face consultation.

*Procedure prices are not fixed and may vary as procedure costs are tailored to individual requirements so vary from person to person. You will receive a guide price during your initial eConsult and a fixed price following your surgeon face to face consultation.


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