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Results Seen 2-4 Months
Back To Work 1 Weeks
Pain Level Mild
Hospital Stay Day Case
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Many people all over the UK have at least one inverted nipple. Inverted nipples are a common condition whereby your nipple points inwards rather than outwards.
The majority of people who suffer from inverted nipples are born with the condition and it can affect both men and women.
There are currently 3 grades of an inverted nipple used to define how serious the condition is. These include:
Grade 1 – The nipple is inverted to some degree but can be pulled out easily using the finger. Grade 1 nipples look almost like a typical nipple in appearance but may sometimes point inwards. Milk ducts are not affected and females can still breast feed. They are commonly referred to as shy nipples and surrounding tissue damage is usually not present in the breast. There is also no sign of tissue deficiency of or around the nipple.
Grade 2 – The nipple is inverted and whilst pulling it out is a possibility, it usually retracts as soon as it is released, causing it to point inwards for the majority of the time. Females who have grade 2 inverted nipples can still usually breastfeed, but it is more difficult, especially for a new born baby to ‘latch on’. In addition, the milk ducts are usually inverted too, but do not require surgery to function.
Depending on the extent of your inverted nipples, surgery is usually a minor procedure that is carried out using local anaesthetic.
The procedure takes under 30 minutes to perform in most instances and no overnight stay in hospital is required.
Patients are treated for inverted nipples as an outpatient, meaning that you can return home the same day, usually within a few hours after your minor operation.
The surgical procedure itself is performed by making a cut around the nipple and separating the necessary tissue and ducts within the breast. The nipple is then positioned correctly and stitched with dissolvable stitches to keep it in place.
This cosmetic procedure is considered a minor operation and there are low risks associated with it.
There are many advantages to undergoing nipple correction surgery. As each individual patient is different, the way in which it can impact on their life varies. For example, some people may be embarrassed to get naked in a dressing room or in front of their partners because of their inverted nipple. Whereas others may simply dislike the way they look to themselves in the mirror and dents their self confidence.
Feeling self conscious can influence a patients like in many ways and often affects the decisions they can make in life, such as career, the clothes they wear and partners.
Correcting inverted nipples can take away the embarrassment and feelings of self conscious along with opening doors on new job opportunities, the clothes worn at work / on a night out and even their love-life. Often some patients are so embarrassed by their nipples that they will ensure they are covered at all times and avoid tight clothing.
Patients who have undergone nipple correction surgery frequently report a boost in confidence and are generally much happier with the way the breasts look.
Nipple correction surgery is known for having a quick recovery period and minimal aftercare is required.
The most common side effect of nipple surgery is discomfort – which is mild – and some pain that can be dealt with using painkillers if required.
Following this procedure, it is advised that the patient should rest at home for at least 24 hours and can expect to be back in work within 24-48 hours. However, as long as you are comfortable and not in any pain, you may return to work and resume normal activities sooner.
Another side effect that patients are made aware of before undergoing nipple surgery is the likelihood of breastfeeding in the future.
Breastfeeding can be affected depending on what grade your inverted nipples are.
For this reason, some patients decide to wait until they have finished their motherhood period before undergoing surgery.
However, during a consultation, your surgeon will discuss this with you and any plans you have for the future depending on your age and life goals.
Here are the main points to observe for recovery and side effects:
Contact our experienced breast surgery team on 0161 507 8822 for a friendly chat and to arrange a no obligation consultation with absolutely no hassle and no pressure.
The two most common reasons for inverted nipples are that you are born with them, or you have an imbalance between the ducts in your breast and the muscle. When the muscle contracts it can cause the nipple to point inward more than usual.
Typically, inverted nipples are not a sign of any cancers, especially if it is something you have always had. However, any noticeable changes in your nipple or if there is discharge, it can sometimes indicate a tissue abnormality in the breast and you should see a doctor as soon as possible to discuss.
Patients with any grade nipple inversion, be it 1, 2 or 3 can still breastfeed. However, depending on the extent of the inverted nipple it can affect your ability to breastfeed. Latching is sometimes more difficult for new born babies.
Booking a consultation is the perfect way to get all of the necessary information needed to make an informed decision on whether or not to undergo nipple surgery. Extensive research is also a good idea so that you can attend your consultation with as much knowledge as possible. This helps the consultation be more productive on both sides, including answering any questions you may have.
Depending on the grade of the inverted nipple, surgery is often the only permanent solution to correcting inverted nipples. For some grade 1 inversions, a small tool known as a niplette can be used. A niplette is a small cup that is placed over the nipple to gradually stretch the skin and ducts within the breast.
Sometimes people with inverted nipples notice that they look less prominent as they get older. This is because the body naturally changes depending on lifestyle and diet. In addition, women who have breastfed their baby occasionally notice that there inverted nipples remain outward pointing and do not retract.
Nipple sensation can be affected following recovery from surgery. However, this is a rare side effect and is not something commonly reported. During surgery, the muscle below the nipple is not affected, so there should be no change in the way your nipple feels in response to touch and temperature.
As with any wound, scars can occur where an incision has been made. However, depending on the surgical technique, the incisions made are only very small and the body should be able to heal well, meaning any scarring will fade over time.
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*Procedure prices are not fixed and may vary as procedure costs are tailored to individual requirements so vary from person to person. You will receive a guide price during your initial eConsult and a fixed price following your surgeon face to face consultation.