Breast Uplift

Just over 1 week since Dr.Shah did my Mastopexy breast lift omg so happy with the results he is amazing and the level of care given by all staff including my nurse Carla at Manchester private hospital was amazing.

Amelia Shepherd, Breast Uplift Patient (January 20th 2022)

Mastopexy, also known as a breast uplift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to change and raise (lift) the breasts of a woman.

Surgery Time 2 Hours

Results Seen 3 Months

Back To Work 1-2 Weeks

Pain Level Moderate

Hospital Stay Day Case

Cost From £7990*

GMC Registered Surgeons

6700+ Happy Patients

Flexible Finance Options

CQC Registered Private Hospital


Medically reviewed by Mr Shivram Singh MBBS, FRCSI, FRCS (Plast), Medical Director & Lead,

Medical Advisory Committee for Manchester Private Hospital

Last Reviewed September 27th 2022

What Is Mastopexy?

Breast Uplift

Mastopexy, also known as a breast uplift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to change and raise (lift) the breasts of a woman.

The surgery can involve changing the contour, elevation and size of the breasts for females who are unhappy with how they hang or sag.

Breast uplift procedures’ aim is to bring about a more aesthetically pleasing bust that is in proportion to their upper body so that they are correctly placed on the chest.

Various events in life can alter the way the breasts look and behave, including ageing, weight loss and having children.

The muscles and ligaments around the breasts can stretch and break down, causing the breasts to lose their youthful appearance and droop.

This, combined with natural gravity, can pull the breasts down causing permanent drooping or hanging boobs.

During a breast uplift, your surgeon may also remove excess skin and reshape breast tissue to raise the breasts up.

In addition, it is not uncommon to combine other surgical procedures with mastopexy such as augmentation (implants). Mastoplexy can also be applied during a breast reduction procedure to correct breasts that are oversized.

Why Choose Breast Uplift?

As we age, the boobs droop or sag naturally, especially after life events such as being pregnant, breastfeeding or losing weight.

These events can cause strain on the ligaments and surrounding tissue so that the breasts are no longer supported as they once were.

Whilst the support tissue itself cannot be recreated, the breasts can be reshaped and uplifted in to a new position along with removing excess loose skin.

There are a number of different reasons, (sometimes multiple reasons together), why women choose Mastopexy surgery. These include:

  • Gravity / Ageing
  • Pregnancy / Breastfeeding
  • Weight gain / weight loss

These factors can cause minor to dramatic changes in breast firmness, shape and elasticity.

A breast uplift procedure can help breasts feel more firm, reshape the tissue and restore elasticity by removing overstretched ligaments and skin.

The nipples can also be moved to the best position as advised by your surgeon to fit the new shape and position of the breast along with reducing the areola size if necessary.

If you are unhappy with the way your breasts look and feel, arranging a consultation with a specialist will help you make an informed decision on whether surgery is right for you.

Patients consider this common cosmetic procedure for all kinds of reasons, such as:

  • Their breasts droop
  • Their breasts have lost shape / volume
  • Their breasts appear flat and longer as they hang
  • Their nipples / areola point down towards the floor
  • Their breasts do not hang evenly and one breast sags more than the other

Whilst not everyone is the right candidate for mastopexy, it is a common and often straight forward procedure that is performed on patients of all different ages.

However, younger patients are often advised to delay mastopexy procedures if they are considering motherhood in the future as pregnancy / nursing are big culprits in changing the way the breasts look, feel and hang. Therefore, any corrective results from such surgery could be undone naturally during the process of childbirth.

It is also worth noting that breast uplift surgery can affect milk production for mothers who are considering breast feeding.

About Mastopexy

Mastopexy, whilst a common cosmetic procedure, is not something that everyone can undergo.

It is also a procedure that some patients find misleading and often mistake it for other procedures such as augmentation.

Before considering a breast uplift, it is important to arrange a consultation with a specialist to discuss what it is you want from your surgery and the results you want to achieve.

Your surgeon will be able to talk about the procedure in depth and see whether you are an ideal candidate for mastopexy.

You will also be asked about medical conditions, history and undergo a full examination of your breasts to see that the procedure is not only right for you, but to discuss an individual, personal plan that will suit your breasts’ size, shape and desired results.

Photographs may also be taken for your medical records, which you are welcome to view during the discussion and talk about any other procedures that may be beneficial in combination with an uplift, such as breast enlargement.

With mastopexy, there is no one procedure fits all. Patients are examined based on their individual needs and size of breasts.

The most common method of uplift is an incision around the areola and incision under the breast itself. Often a surgeon will make an incision in the crease of the boob and remove any excess skin from underneath. After this, the breast can then be reshaped so that it is tighter and nipples can be moved to a higher position.

If you want larger breasts or for them to feel more full, it is important that you do not mistake augmentation for mastopexy and an uplift alone will not achieve this. That is why many patients undergo multiple procedures at the same time so that their boobs are lifted up and enhanced to a firmer and larger appearance / feel.

Advantages Of Breast Uplift

There are many advantages to breast uplift procedures for those that are an ideal candidate.

Lifting the breasts can sometimes help:

  • Make boobs / body look more youthful
  • Reduce sagging
  • Boost self confidence
  • Improve overall body appearance
  • Regain body confidence after pregnancy
  • Make boobs look more symmetrical
  • Alter the way your nipples look
  • Give confidence to wear different items of clothing, such as swimwear

It is important to be honest with your surgeon during a consultation and discuss every aspect of why you wish to undergo mastopexy in order to receive the best advice possible and to ensure that your goals are realistic.

Recovery & Aftercare

Following a mastopexy procedure, patients usually stay in hospital for one to two days for recovery and observation.

Patients will need to arrange to be driven home when leaving the hospital and to be accompanied at home for at least the first 24 hours.

If you undergo breast uplift surgery, you will expect boobs to be swollen and may be discoloured along with incisions looking prominent. These wounds will heal and fade over the coming months up to 2 years.

Whilst immediate results won’t fully reflect desired goal, you will start to see proper results and improvements over the first four to six months post surgery.

Patients are advised to take it easy for the first 6 weeks and not lift anything heavy or do strenuous activity.

As each procedure varies from patient to patient, activity levels and returning to work will be discussed with you during your consultation and again in your aftercare plan.

Most patients can return to light exercise activities after 8 weeks and return to work after 10-14 days.

Generally, immediate recovery from mastopexy takes up to 6 weeks and results should be properly visible from between 6 and 9 months.

Here is what you can expect post surgery:

Week 1 – Some pain and discomfort, which can be managed with painkillers. Activity levels should be very light, such as walking, but not to stay idle or rest too long. A support bra / sports bra will need to be worn for around 2-3 weeks both day and night.

Week 2 – When moving, you may feel a pulling feeling and some pain. Stitches will be removed and activity levels can be increased gradually. You can return to work after 2 weeks depending on your job and rol

Weeks 3-6 – Lifting heavy objects is to be avoided. Support bra is still needed during the day but can be removed at night. Sensation / feeling should start to return to nipple and breast region

Complications & Side Effects

When undergoing mtss.e.astopexy, each procedure can be different and comes with risks and complications that all patients should be aware of. These include:

  • Breast feeding difficulty. Whilst breast feeding a baby is still possible, depending on the extent of the procedure, some patients may have difficulty producing enough milk.
  • Breast tissue and nipple damage. In some cases, the bloody supply is interrupted, which can damage part of the breast tissue or nipple, resulting in loss of the nipple or areola.
  • Breast asymmetry. Depending on pre-existing asymmetry, surgery may be unsuccessful in fully correcting. Or some asymmetry may occur during the healing process post surgery.
  • Loss / change of sensation. Some permanent loss or change of sensation can occur in the breast or nipples following mastopexy. However, short term changes are common and will return within 4-8 weeks.
  • Scars. As with any incision during surgery, scars can be permanent and in some cases thick and wide. Some scars can be hidden and others will fade over time.
  • Bleeding. Heavy bleeding is rare but can occur soon after surgery.
  • Swelling / bruising.
  • Infection.

Unsatisfactory results. Some patients are not entirely satisfied with their results following surgery.

Why Choose Us

For many years, the Manchester Private Hospital has been specialising in breast surgery of all types, including uplift, reduction and augmentation.

Our specialist staff have the knowledge and experience to provide easy to digest information on the type of procedure you are looking for and are on hand to advise accordingly.

We pride ourselves on providing a personable service in a pressure free environment with absolutely no obligation.

During a consultation, our cosmetic surgeons will provide a detailed and tailored plan from start to finish to ensure complete peace of mind at every stage during the process.

Call today on 0161 507 8822 for a friendly chat about breast uplift surgery and see how lifting your boobs can restore the youthful feel and boost self confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are unhappy with the size, shape or volume of your breasts then you may be an ideal candidate for an uplift. Most candidates report unhappiness with how much their breasts hang or sag.

A breast uplift is performed by lifting and reshaping your existing boobs to give the best possible appearance. Augmentation focuses on enhancing the size / volume of the breasts without changing the placement.

Yes. It is not uncommon for patients to undergo an uplift and enlargement at the same time.

To lift breasts up to a higher position and more youthful placement.

Some patients return to work after 1 week. Others return to work after 2 weeks, and some a little longer. This depends on the type of job you do and activity levels required.

Whilst mastopexy is a permanent procedure that gives long lasting results, ageing and gravity can still affect breasts that have previously undergone an uplift.

Breast Uplift Finance Options

Manchester Private Hospital have collaborated with Chrysalis Finance to offer 0% finance for our patients.*

1. 0% Interest Free Finance for Breast Uplift Surgery (Monthly Payment Plans)

Breast Uplift cost: £7990
Deposit amount: £0.00
The amount of loan would be: £7990
Total interest: £0.00
12 monthly instalments of £665.83
The representative APR is 0%
The total amount payable: £7990

2. Breast Uplift Surgery Finance Option with Interest (APR 9.9%)

Cost of a Breast Uplift: £7990
Initial deposit: £500
The amount of loan would be: £7490
60 monthly instalments of £157
The representative APR is 9.9%
The total amount payable: £9938

*Acceptance is subject to status. Terms and conditions apply.

*Procedure prices are not fixed and may vary as procedure costs are tailored to individual requirements so vary from person to person. You will receive a guide price during your initial eConsult and a fixed price following your surgeon face to face consultation.


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