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Patient Information Leaflets

Below, you’ll discover a range of patient information leaflets and resources for Cosmetic Surgery. Please bear in mind that while written information is valuable, it should always be complemented by advice from your doctor or another healthcare professional who is overseeing your care.

Manchester Private Hospital can not be held accountable for the accuracy of the information presented in leaflets produced by external organizations.

gmc cosmetic procedures patient guide

Cosmetic procedures: what do I need to consider?

The General Medical Council (GMC) has produced a short guide for patients thinking about having a cosmetic procedure. The guide includes questions you may want to ask and an idea of what to expect from your doctor.

breast enlargement information leaflet

Breast enlargement information

Your surgeon will examine your breasts and may take some photographs for your medical records. They will ask you if you want to have someone with you and ask you to sign a consent form for taking, storing and using the photographs.

british association of Plastic reconstructive aesthetic surgeons bapras your guide to breast augmentation

Your Guide to breast augmentation

Breast Augmentation is a very popular operation worldwide and, in recent years, the popular myth has grown up that it is a minor procedure without complications.

rcs bapras guide breast reduction web

Your Guide to breast reduction

This booklet explains to patients who are thinking about reduction surgery what the treatment involves, including the recovery time, what benefits it brings, and what risks there are. It will help patients choose their surgeon, and to decide about having the operation when talking to their surgeon beforehand.

rcs bapras guide body contouring web

Your Guide to body contouring surgery after weight loss

This booklet explains to patients who are thinking about body contouring surgery and their families what the treatment involves, including the recovery time, its likely benefits, what risks there are and how to minimise those risks

alcl patient leaflet

Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) – what we know and what we don’t know

What is BIA-ALCL? This is a rare type of lymphoma that affects women with breast implants. It is not a cancer of the breast itself but can form on the capsule that surrounds a breast implant. In 2016 the WHO provisionally classified BIA-ALCL as a novel type of lymphoma.

Cosmetic Surgery Information

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