If you’re getting a boob job for the first time, you may be slightly nervous about the procedure. Questions like what the surgery is like and how it works may be troubling your mind and making you anxious. But don’t worry; we have you covered. In today’s post, we’ll provide comprehensive details about breast enlargement surgery and how it’s performed, leaving no room for ambiguity.
Breast enlargement Manchester surgery, also called augmentation mammoplasty or boob job, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is becoming increasingly popular. Statistics show that in 2020 more than 1.6 million breast enlargement procedures were performed worldwide. The procedure aims to increase the breasts’ shape, size and fullness.
Breast augmentation surgery is performed to address the following issues in women:
Make naturally small-sized breasts larger. Some women are born with small breasts. This condition is called micromastia, which is the post-pubertal underdevelopment of the breast tissue in women. It can be either unilateral or bilateral. The condition can cause a lack of self-esteem and make women feel less attractive. Therefore, breast enlargement in Manchester is perhaps the best way to deal with it.
Extreme weight loss can also lead to saggy breasts. Women may feel that their breasts are no longer fuller. It happens because breasts are made of fatty tissue, so when you lose excess weight, the first affected area is your breasts. However, the problem can be easily resolved with a boob job- giving your breasts more volume and shape while maintaining a slimmer waistline.
Breast asymmetry is another breast-related issue that scheduling a breast enlargement surgery can address. Both breasts may differ in position, size and shape in this condition. It can hurt the woman’s self-esteem, confidence and body image. Asymmetric breasts may be hereditary. However, some women may develop the condition over time due to multiple reasons, such as:
After a mastectomy, you may consider breast augmentation to feel like before. Breast enlargement is a crucial part of a breast reconstruction journey of a woman after battling cancer. It’s the best way to feel more attractive and sexier again.
Besides these, there can be several other reasons your surgeon may recommend breast augmentation surgery. So, it’s best to schedule a consultation with an expert and determine if you are a suitable candidate.
If you’re an ideal candidate, the surgeon will walk you through the procedure and options for breast implants. Whether you’d like a modest cleavage boost or dramatic curves, there is an option. During the consultation, the surgeon will discuss your requirements, expectations, and goals. Accordingly, they will help you determine the right type and size of implants before the surgery begins.
Here is a step-by-step guide on the surgical procedure for breast enlargement in Manchester:
First, every surgical procedure aims to address the issue with minimal discomfort and pain. Breast enlargement is no exception. This procedure begins with giving the candidate anaesthesia. Regarding anaesthesia, there are two options- general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia.
Most women are given general anaesthesia. Medication is injected through IV sedation to make the patient unconscious and pain-free. General anaesthesia temporarily paralyses the patient from feeling pain or moving. It ensures the patient is asleep during the surgery and pain-free. You will have no memories of the procedure once you wake up.
However, local anaesthesia with IV sedation is another method to minimise pain. It is different from general anaesthesia. In this, the patient feels numb and relaxed while in a conscious state/ awake. Also referred to as twilight sedation, the benefits of IV sedation with local anaesthesia are that the patient can breathe without a tube and there are no hangovers. Moreover, patients are awake during the procedure and have fewer chances of overdosing.
As both options are suitable for the procedure, it all comes down to your surgeon’s choice for your breast implant procedure.
Once the patient receives anaesthesia, the surgeon performs the incision. Incisions are cuts made in inconspicuous places on the breast so that the visibility of the scars is minimised. Incisions can be made in there different ways. These include:
To perform a boob job with a trans-axillary incision, the surgeon makes an incision in the patient’s natural fold of the armpit tissue. Next, they create a channel up to the breast. The surgeon may use an endoscope to perform this operative approach. They may use a small tube featuring a camera and surgical light to provide visibility through the channel.
One of the biggest advantages of the trans-axillary incision approach is that women don’t have to worry about scar visibility. Moreover, the procedure works best with saline breast implants because they can be easily inserted via a small cut, deflated and rolled up gently. On the other hand, silicone gel-filled implants require a larger incision.
Furthermore, nearly 10% of breast enlargement procedures are carried through the trans-axillary procedure.
Also called the sub-pectoral incision, it is the second type of approach used in breast enlargement surgery. In the Inframammary fold procedure, the surgeon cuts underneath the patient’s breast which helps the surgeon position breast implants with greater control and precision.
The success of the Inframammary fold approach can be gauged by the fact that nearly seventy to eighty per cent of breast enlargement surgeries are carried out via the Inframammary fold approach. Women most often opt for the Inframammary fold approach for multiple reasons. These include the following:
Another key benefit of the sub-pectoral or Inframammary fold approach is that it is performed with minimal post-operative discomfort.
Nonetheless, the Inframammary approach works best for women with slightly saggy breasts followed by pregnancy and lactation. However, the breast mounds should be of equal height for this approach to work.
The cut is made around the nipple-areolar in this breast enlargement procedure. The scar often blends into the areola’s edge. However, this approach is unsuitable for women who want to breastfeed later in life. The incision around the milk ducts can lower the milk supply and cause problems with temporary nipple sensation following the surgical procedure. Nonetheless, this approach is preferred by women with small breasts who don’t have folds underneath them.
In this procedure, the incision is made on the belly. A small fibre optic camera is channelled to the pocket under the patient’s breast through this incision. The surgeon then inserts the implant through the saline-inflated tunnel. But this procedure is only for sub-glandular saline breast implants. The procedure is still under scrutiny because of the complications and additional correction surgeries needed.
The next crucial step of the surgical procedure for breast enlargement in Manchester is the placement of the implants. A board-certified and experienced surgeon leading the procedure knows about the perfect placement of the implants for every patient. It is vital to understand that breast implants may be placed under or over the muscle.
However, numerous factors can play a pivotal role in determining the optimal placement of the implants. These include:
Now let’s take a deeper dive to understand the implant placement difference.
In this placement technique, the surgeon positions the implant between the patient’s chest muscle and the existing breast tissue area. To be precise, the implant lies below the breast glands, ensuring that the patient’s ability to breastfeed is not lowered or negatively affected in the future. Some of the key benefits of sub-glandular placement are that:
Sub-muscular placement of the implants is also known as under-the-muscle placement. In this breast implant positioning technique, the implants are partially placed under the pectoralis chest muscle.
Women prefer this option because it has a more natural look and a very low rate of capsular contracture compared to over-the-muscle placement. Statistics show that approximately 75 per cent of the women undergoing the procedure opt for sub-muscular placement.
The next step of the breast augmentation procedure is closing the incisions. It is performed with stitches or layered sutures in the breast tissue. The stitches and surgical tape helps close the skin and keep it tight. The lines from the incisions will be visible for a few days, but they will fade over time.
Breast enlargement is predominantly an outpatient surgical procedure most often performed with general anaesthesia. Hence, you can expect to walk soon after the surgery is successful. However, recovery after breast enlargement surgery takes time. Surgery will cause swelling. Therefore, you must demonstrate patience.
Once you’re on the path to recovery, you will see that the dissolvable sutures disappear in six weeks. Similarly, the swelling from the surgery will subside in two weeks. However, a follow-up appointment will be needed if the surgeon uses sutures that don’t dissolve or places drainage tubes near the boobs.
Other things that the surgeon may advise you regarding the recovery process are:
They may also advise you on post-operative exercises to relieve discomfort and pain. For more information about breast enlargement surgery or any concerns, schedule a consultation with us. At Manchester Private Hospital, we have a team of experienced and board-certified surgeons specialising in breast enlargement surgery. We can provide you with quality guidance and assistance so you can move forward with peace of mind and make an informed choice. It’s the best way to achieve fuller breasts and feel more confident in your skin. Contact us today.
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