How You Can Get The Body Shape You’ve Always Wanted

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have the body shape you’ve always wanted? Often people find themselves frustrated at the lack of results when trying to lose weight and it can have a serious knock on effect on mental health and self confidence.

Mrs Carla M Babicki  |  Registered General Nurse (RGN)

Last Updated On: March 3, 2025 | Published On: December 20, 2018


Medically reviewed by Mr Shivram Singh MBBS, FRCSI, FRCS (Plast), Medical Director & Lead,
Medical Advisory Committee for Manchester Private Hospital
Last Reviewed  August 16th 2022

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When men and women embark on a weight loss journey, they get motivated and often put together a timed plan of diet and exercise.

However, when they reach the end of the planned period, be it 8 or 12 weeks, despite sticking to the plans as best they could, things don’t always play out as they had wished.

Whilst some people are happy with what they have achieved, many people often feel let down and disheartened by the results and some may even have feelings of panic as a life event draws closer, such as a summer holiday or friends wedding.

If this sounds similar to your story, read on to find out how more people are achieving near body perfection with the shape they’ve always wanted.

vaser liposuction

Removal Of Fat Using Vaser

When some people hear the word ‘surgery’, they are instantly put off.

But cosmetic surgery in 2019 doesn’t always mean major operations and months off work.

Vaser Liposuction is a revolutionary cosmetic procedure that can remove fat from your body with minimally invasive technology and very little downtime, meaning you can go about your daily duties almost immediately.

What’s more is, Vaser procedures can specifically target problem areas of the body that prove difficult to shed fat from with diet and / or exercise.

More and more people in Manchester and across the North West are using Vaser in addition to diet and exercise to sculpt their bodies to get the body shape they’ve always wanted.

Vaser lipo can be classed as both non-surgical and surgical depending on the type of fat removal you require and from what areas.

Procedures are generally performed under local anaesthetic but from time to time general anaesthetic is used.

Speaking with a Vaser expert will allow you to gain more of an insight in to what results can be achieved for you on an individual and personal level.

Common target areas for Vaser lipo include; stomach, bum, thigh, hips, chin, back and arms.

If you ask 100 different people what their ‘problem’ fat areas are on their body and they will probably give you over 20 different answers. Just as each person has a specific feature about themselves that they like, they will almost always have an area that they are unhappy with and consider problematic.

If you’re based in the Greater Manchester area and are a fan of radio, then you’ve probably heard the advert for Manchester Private Hospital’s Vaser services and how they can help you get the body shape you’ve always dreamed of.

Speak with our friendly team today to find out more: 0161 507 8822
. To know more about vaser liposuction, please visit:

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