Once thought to be purely a cosmetic issue, research over the last ten to fifteen years has shown just how much hair loss can affect a person’s wellbeing – particularly mental health.
Thus making it so much more than a person being vain about their cosmetic appearance.
In this publication we look into more detail about hair loss and the effects in can have on any one person at any point in their life.
In addition, we’ll also see whether hair loss is a result of mental health issues, or vice versa.
There are many different types of hair loss and many different factors that can cause it.
Overall, it is a complicated area that often goes undiagnosed, yet is treatable in some cases.
If you are experiencing hair loss, there is no way to determine exactly what is causing it without seeing a specialist.
Even if you know someone with the same problem, their situation may be completely different to yours.
The four major causes of hair loss can vary on different levels depending on the individual. These include:
– Age
– Hormones
– Genetics
– Mental Health
In this publication, we are looking more closely at the fourth cause of hair loss – mental health.
Mental health issues can affect any individual at any stage during their life – young or old – and can vary from different body parts and severity.
Lifestyle and diet can also play a part on emotional wellbeing and be a contributing factor to hair loss.
There are three major mental health conditions, which can affect how much hair grows on a particular body part, these include:
– Depression
– Anxiety
– Stress
Depression can cause hair loss and is one of the biggest contributing factors of low mood and low self esteem, leading to self harm and suicide.
If a person is suffering from depression, either as a result of hair loss or other cause, it can cause hair to fall out and stop it from re-growing.
In addition, some anti-depressant medication can also cause hair loss as a side effect and if a person is sensitive about the subject, it can be a vicious circle whereby hair loss make can make depression symptoms worst, and in turn results in even more hair loss.
Anxiety, particularly severe anxiety, can cause hair loss in both men and women at any age in their life.
Whilst it is more rare than other mental health conditions to cause hair loss, it can sometimes be the primary contributing factor of the condition – especially if you suffer with long term anxiety over a long period of time.
Furthermore, a condition call trichotillomania, also known as trich, is connected to anxiety whereby a person pulls out their own hair, often without realising, on a number of body parts, including; eyebrows, eyelashes, head (scalp) and arms.
‘I’m so stressed I’m going bald / grey’ is a phrase often thrown about loosely without realising that it is in fact a truthful saying that many men and women suffer with.
Stress is a major contributing factor to hair loss due to a person’s body being distressed. It can cause hair to fall out and stop future hair from growing.
This is because it puts strain on the body and stops the growth cycle of individual hairs.
One positive point is that stress related hair loss is often temporary and once symptoms are controlled or the condition subsides, then hairs can start to re-grow.
However, sustained periods of stress can cause permanent hair loss in both men and women.
Hair loss in 2019 is finally being taken more serious in the medical field due to its severe effects on a person’s health and wellbeing.
Mental health conditions such as those discussed above are being taken more seriously.
This is because losing your hair can have a serious impact on your overall health both physically and emotionally.
It is known as a vicious circle because hair loss can cause mental health issues, and mental health issues can cause hair loss.
In the UK, there are now more cosmetic surgeons carrying out surgical procedures to help with permanent balding.
A hair transplant is now one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for men that is helping with the effects of balding and curbing many symptoms associated with hair loss, such as low mood, depression, stress, anxiety and low self esteem.
If you are experiencing hair loss and are based in the UK, speak with a specialist in confidence today.
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