Santa’s List: Do You Qualify for a Festive Mummy Makeover this Holiday?

Motherhood is one of a woman's most joyous and rewarding experiences. Although there is nothing more empowering than knowing you created a life, pregnancy and breastfeeding can take a toll on your body. Many women experience definitive changes in their bodies after pregnancy; their breasts may change shape, or they may have excess fat and loose skin in their belly region or something else. And these are just a very few things that change your body after pregnancy.

Mrs Carla M Babicki  |  Registered General Nurse (RGN)

Last Updated On: March 3, 2025 | Published On: December 25, 2023

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At Manchester Private Hospital, we offer you a personalized mommy makeover plan this holiday season so you can regain your curvy body.

This guide can help you understand what a mummy makeover procedure is and whether you are a good candidate for one.

Understanding Mummy Makeover

A mummy makeover is a combination of procedures designed to improve the appearance of body parts that have stubborn fat or are most affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding. The exact procedures involved in the process depend on which parts of your body require support or enhancement. However, these procedures typically target these areas of the body:

  • Breasts
  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen
  • Genitalia
  • Thighs
  • Flanks

In some cases, procedures on the neck and arms are also included in a mummy makeover.

The most common types of procedures in mummy makeovers are:

At the Manchester Private Hospital, we will perform multiple procedures on your body during a mummy makeover. This reduces trauma, risk of infection and complication, and recovery period.

By having various procedures in a single surgery, mothers can get back on their feet faster than if the surgeries are performed one after the other.

Body Changes That Might Require a Mummy Makeover

A mummy makeover is not a necessary procedure. It is a cosmetic procedure designed to give women back their slim and curvy bodies, help them fit better into their clothes, and regain confidence. 

Women who request a mummy makeover often have these physical changes in their bodies:

Drooping Breasts

Your breasts grow during pregnancy for lactation and will remain enlarged while you are nursing your baby. However, once you have finished breastfeeding, your breasts will shrink to their normal size. This will result in loose skin that gives your breast a droopy look.

Deflated Breasts

For some women, breasts do not go back to their regular shape and size after pregnancy and will lose volume. This will give them a deflated look, and it can cause problems when getting the right fit for your clothes.

Enlarged Breasts

In some cases, your breasts will not reduce in size after breastfeeding; they will remain overly large and may feel out of proportion with the rest of your body. If you wish to reduce your breast size, you might be a good candidate for a breast reduction procedure.

Loose Abdominal Skin

The skin on your belly will stretch a lot as it grows during pregnancy. Once you have given birth, the skin doesn’t need to snap back into place, particularly if you have gained significant weight during pregnancy.

If you have loose skin after your pregnancy, our aesthetic surgeons may recommend a customized tummy tuck to eliminate the excess skin on your abdomen.

Excess Fat

Some women gain a lot of weight during pregnancy and find it difficult to shed the pounds once they have had a baby. Most commonly, patients will have excess fat in their abdomen region, buttocks, and thighs. 

A customized liposuction procedure can target these areas of your body and extract the excess fat from them. This can help give your body a more svelte appearance.

The Best Candidates for a Mummy Makeover

The best candidates for mummy makeovers are women who do not intend to get pregnant in the future. The procedure will not impact whether you can get pregnant or not, but any pregnancy can undo the results of a mummy makeover surgery.

Let’s take a look at the best candidates for a mummy makeover:

You are Near Your Ideal Weight

If you have gained significant weight during your pregnancy, it is important to try to reduce that healthily first. If you are still struggling with stubborn deposits of fat, loose skin, or drooping breasts, then a mummy makeover can be an option.

Your body mass index can indicate whether you are a good candidate for a mummy makeover. People who have high BMIs generally have a higher risk of complications during any surgery.

At Manchester Private Hospital, our aesthetic surgeons can determine your ideal weight and whether a mummy makeover is a good option.

You Have a Good Overall Health

Even if you are not overweight, poor general health can reduce your chances of being a good candidate for a mummy makeover. Some counterindications of a mummy makeover are:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension or high blood pressure
  • Chronic heart conditions
  • Asthma
  • Smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use

When you come for a mummy makeover consultation, it is important to reveal your full medical history to your aesthetic surgeon. Ensure they have a full list of medications, including blood thinners. If you take blood thinners, you will need a letter from your cardiologist to ensure it is safe to pause their use.

Smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use can increase risk for any patient. They can change your blood, reduce immunity, delay wound healing, and cause scarring or necrosis. They can also result in a risk of complications from anaesthesia.

You Don’t Intend to Have Any More Kids

A mummy makeover will not stop you from having more kids. However, once you become pregnant, the changes in your body will undo many benefits of the procedure. To regain your slim body, you should undergo a mummy makeover procedure.

That is why we recommend having this procedure once you are done with all of your kids.

You Had a C-Section

A C-section can leave suture scars on your belly, which is exactly the type of thing a mummy makeover can fix. It is also an effective option if you have had multiple births and suffered a hernia during your pregnancy.

However, it is advised that you wait for at least six months after having a C-section or after you have weaned your baby to have a mummy makeover.

Like all surgeries, having realistic expectations of the procedure is important. A mummy makeover is not a good way to lose considerable weight; it can only help your body get its youthful and smooth appearance.

Also, keep in mind that even if you are not having invasive surgeries as part of your mummy makeover, it is still important to follow every pre- and post-operative direction provided by your surgeon. This will ensure a faster recovery and get you the outcome you desire.

Is a Mummy Makeover Only for Mummies?

Do you have to be a mother for a mummy makeover? The simple answer is no. Mummy makeover is a term used to describe a combination of procedures that can address physical conditions often seen after pregnancy. However, these conditions can also happen to other people as well. Anyone who has excess skin on their abdomen, areas of stubborn fat, and saggy breasts can get a youthful figure from a mummy makeover.

Mummy makeovers are not just for women, either. Even men can benefit from procedures like liposuction, male breast reduction surgery, and tummy tuck after losing weight.

Schedule a Consultation With Us

At Manchester Private Hospital, we ensure our clients are fully informed about their body reshaping options. During our consultation, we will determine whether you are a good candidate for a mummy makeover procedure or even need one. If you don’t require this procedure, we will give you some other options that are customized for you.

Before you undergo the procedure, it is important to be aware of all the benefits and limitations of a mummy makeover. Working with our licensed aesthetic surgeons can help you understand your options and make a fully informed decision, resulting in better outcomes for your body and your peace of mind. Schedule a consultation with us today.

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