Cost Of A Boob Job

In the UK, cosmetic surgery is on the rise and many women are curious to know the cost of a boob job. The truth is, when people are searching online they come across so much information regarding breast surgery that it becomes confusing and at times misleading.

Mrs Carla M Babicki  |  Registered General Nurse (RGN)

Last Updated On: March 3, 2025 | Published On: October 3, 2019


Medically reviewed by Mr Shivram Singh MBBS, FRCSI, FRCS (Plast), Medical Director & Lead,
Medical Advisory Committee for Manchester Private Hospital
Last Reviewed September 1st 2022

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Breast surgery comes in all shapes and sizes (literally) and there are many factors that can affect the total cost, such as the location you live, the cosmetic surgeon and extent of your procedure.

boob job

It is also common for many women to undergo multiple cosmetic procedures at the same time, greatly affecting the overall cost.

The term boob job is broadly used in modern days to apply to almost any surgery involving the breasts. This means that when one person refers to a boob job as implants alone, will differ from another person referring to a boob job involving implants, uplift plus nipple correction.

Therefore, as you would expect, asking a person how much their boob job was without a breakdown of procedures would be significantly more than enlargement alone.

Boob Job Costs In The UK

Many years ago, women travelled abroad for boob jobs because the cost was expensive in the UK and much cheaper in other countries such as Turkey and Czech Republic.

However, over time the cost of breast surgery has decreased substantially, eliminating the need to travel abroad for surgery.

Through advances in technology and an increase in the number of cosmetic surgeons nationwide, boob jobs have become much more affordable in Britain.

Guide Cost

Although a boob job can vary from patient to patient, the general guide cost sets out an estimated figure that you can budget for and work towards if you are saving for surgery.

Below is a brief list of boob job procedures and their associated guide cost:

– Breast implant cost: £3490
– Breast implant + uplift cost: £6590
– Breast uplift cost: £5990
– Breast reduction cost: £6590
The cost of a breast surgery procedure usually includes the type and brand of implant. However, always check in advance with your preferred cosmetic surgeon what implants they use and why.

It is worth noting that implant type and brand can sometimes be the difference between a good boob job and a great boob job.

The main two fillings used are silicone (gel) or saline (sterile salt water).

In addition, implants can either be textured or smooth, which can determine how much they move and feel. Your cosmetic surgeon may be able to advise you on what will be the best option for you and your body type.

What Else Affects The Cost?

Along with the points mentioned above, there are other associated factors that can affect the overall cost of your breast surgery.

These include:
– Medication
– Aftercare / recovery

During a boob job consultation, discuss your options in great detail and be sure to ask whether the total cost includes medication, anaesthetic and aftercare. When it comes to aftercare all patients are different – some return home the same day as their surgery, whereas others may spend a night or two in hospital post surgery.
In addition, when itemising your boob job quotation, before proceeding be sure to ask your cosmetic surgery clinic about any add-on costs and whether or not the price you have received is all inclusive of everything you need.

After breast surgery, patients often receive an elastic bra that helps hold and support the boobs in the correct position so that they can heal properly over the days that follow your procedure.

It is worth paying attention to the aftercare massage recommendations and how to perform them with as little pain as possible. These techniques can stop scar tissue and assist with the healing process of the pocket in which the implants are placed in.

Is The Cost Affected By Under / Over The Muscle?

In a typical boob job, the position in which the implant is placed within the breast does not usually affect the cost. Although each patient is assessed on an individual basis for recommendations and best possible results. Your surgeon will be able to advise on the pros and cons of implant placement and whether or not the cost will be affected.

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss the cost of a boob job, call the Manchester Private Hospital today on 0161 507 8822 for a friendly chat and to book a no obligation consultation.

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