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With the trend of this cosmetic procedure going viral, members of the general public are discussing in great detail which celebrities and TV stars have let their bottoms go under the knife.
This has not only increased the interest of many women in Manchester and surrounding areas, but also started a desire that was not so popular ten years ago in the UK – a fuller, rounder behind!
So what is a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) and are there any dangers to be aware of?
A Brazilian butt lift is a combination of one or more cosmetic procedures to create a desired look and more aesthetically pleasing rear end.
The procedures can include any (or all) of the following; implant, liposuction, fat transfer and body contouring.
A specialist surgeon is able to assess each woman on an individual basis and advise on realistic and achievable results, just as they would with other body part enhancement such as breast augmentation.
One of the reasons why this procedure has become popular over the last six to twelve months is presumed to be because of two viral factors:
1. Body and fashion ‘trends’, whereby having a larger bum is considered a ‘better’ or ‘cooler’ look than previous years.
2. Current famous celebrities showing off their larger backsides in the media.
There are a number of different methods used in buttock surgery including; gluteal implants, liposculpting – including fat injection/transfer, and liposuction .
If you are considering surgery on your bottom to reduce, increase or sculpt your behind, here is a simplified outline of the process from start to finish and what to expect. The below details relate to a fat transfer buttock augmentation, which is one of the most popular in 2019.
1. Start the journey with a visit to a specialist surgeon who has the knowledge, skills and experience of performing Brazilian butt lifts.
2. Your surgeon will be able to advise you on what results are possible from one or more procedures, such as fat transfer.
3. On the day of your surgery, your surgeon will mark the areas of your bum where fat may be taken from (amongst other areas including stomach and love handles) ready for transfer to the new site (via injection) to create the look you wish to achieve.
4. Depending on the extent of your procedure, general or local anaesthetic will be used.
5. Fat is taken from the areas of your body so that it can be used to transfer to the new area of your buttocks.
6. Incisions (small cuts) are made (usually the size of a rice grain) in the natural creases so that they are less noticeable.
7. Fat is transferred using syringes.
8. Small incisions are stitched together.
As with any type of cosmetic surgery, it is imperative that you fully trust and know the background of the clinic and surgeon who will perform the procedures.
Brazilian butt lifts have grabbed a few media headlines due to the nature and potential side effects of how the surgery is performed, therefore it is crucial that you only choose a reputable and licensed cosmetic surgeon with experience in this field.
One of the reasons for this is because, there can be serious complications of (buttock fat transfer) if the surgeon injects into the wrong area or allows it to go too deep.
No fat should be injected in to the muscles within the bum as it can cause pain and swelling among other side effects.
So if you are considering butt augmentation using fat transfer, it is always a good starting point to ask your surgeon during a consultation what method they have used in the past and how deep they inject fat.
In addition, choosing a consultant who has previous results and experience of liposuction and body sculpting will achieve most likely provide better long term satisfaction than one who doesn’t.
If you like the idea of enhancing your bum and live in or around the Manchester area, pick up the phone and
call us any time for a friendly chat:0161 507 8822
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